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BOOM:Vice President Mike Pence makes Crucial tie Breaker Vote on ObamaCare
Senate Narrowly Passes Bill To Begin Debate On Repealing Obamacare
Senate Republicans vote to move forward to repeal and replace Obamacare
Vice President Pence Breaks Senate Tie Vote for Cabinet Position
Pence: 'We're Going to Repeal Obamacare'
Vice President Mike Pence casts tie breaking vote to State to be allowed to defund Planned Parenthoo
Pence Casts Tie Bbreaking Vote On Healthcare Debate
Watch Pence Announce the Historic Tiebreaking Vote to Confirm DeVos
U.S Senate votes to proceed with Obamacare repeal
VP Pence casts historic vote to break Senate tie over DeVos
Vice President Pence Casts Decisive Vote to Confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education
VP Pence on latest GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare